Bloodline Champions 2.7

Bloodline Champions 2.7

Free Bloodline Champions is a free-to-play online PvP Arena game
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5

Bloodline Champions is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game. Since its release, more heroes have been added, making up a total of 27 at the moment. At first it may look similar to other games of the same genre, however it is quite different. It leaves out a lot of RPG aspects and focuses more on fast-paced arena combat.

When you first enter the game you'll automatically start the tutorial. You can skip it if you wish, but I strongly encourage you to finish it: it is relatively short and it explains everything you need to know. The tutorial is interactive, with voice-over commentary, and I generally like the way it is designed. After completing the tutorial, you can begin playing against other people in the PvP arena. The arena supports up to 10 players, which means you can play matches from 1v1 to 5v5. Custom scenarios can also be played alongside friends and feature more game modes: you can play Conquest, in which you have to control areas on the map in order to win; or Artifact, which is very similar to Capture the Flag. The matchmaking system is very good and finds compatible players in no time.

The game mechanics are different from similar games like League of Legends, HoN or DotA, even though they all belong to the same genre. While matches in those games can last over an hour, in Bloodline Champions they take less then 10 minutes. This is mainly because there is no hero leveling and the only objective is to defeat the enemy bloodlines. Matches are based on rounds, and whoever wins the most rounds is declared victorious. Another difference is that there aren't any mobs in the game, and spells don't require mana. Each bloodline has a total of 5 skills and an ultimate skill. The first two skills are like basic attacks and the other three can vary from AOE attacks to stuns or something that does a bit more damage. Another feature is that you need to fill an energy bar in order to use the ultimate skill. You can fill the energy bar by damaging the enemies.

The attacking and aiming system is also very different from other games. You aim with the mouse and you move with the WASD keys. This is again a huge difference from other MOBA games. This creates a lot of freedom in movement and makes the game more challenging because you have to aim with every spell you cast and others can evade them if they move fast enough. This makes the game very competitive and hard to master.

Overall, it is like a breath of fresh air as compared to other MOBA games. The game is very fast-paced and a lot of fun to play. I really liked this concept of non-stop action and basically focusing more on combat and strategy, rather than grinding through a 1-hour match.

DN Senior editor
Dennis Niels
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Review summary


  • Very good tutorial
  • Interesting concept
  • Nice gameplay features
  • Fast-paced combat
  • Good-looking graphics


  • Can be difficult to play at first
  • Requires .Net Framework 3.5


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